October 09, 2009


Mobile advertising of Vodaphone
Mobile advertising includes any message, offer, promotion or incentive provided to mobile customers by a third-party brand. It can take the form of banner advertisements on Vodafone live!, opt-in SMS and MMS messages, alerts or sponsored messages, mobile TV or video advertising, or in-game advertising.
Vodafone continues to carefully develop its media business from third-party advertising on our networks. Our relationship with our customers enables us to offer brands the ability to reach particular audiences more effectively and accurately than is possible with conventional media. Advertising via mobile is already showing great promise with much higher click through rates compared with the internet – typically around 2-3% for mobile and only 0.12-0.18% for internet.
Some aspects of mobile advertising are new to Vodafone and new to our customers. As a result, we are adopting a conservative approach, to gauge customer reaction as the service is introduced and extended by our operating companies.
The type of mobile advertising we offer varies from market to market. Currently, the most common format is advertising on mobile internet and search facilities. Our advertisers are predominantly major brands, from the automotive and finance industries in particular, as well as many other categories. See which types of advertising are offered by each of our local operating companies in our CR Report.
Our customer research shows that people are generally accepting of mobile advertising – especially if they receive a benefit in return. For example, in some emerging markets, such as Egypt and South Africa, we offer a service that enables mobile users to send a free text with the message ‘Please call me’ even when they run out of credit. The message arrives accompanied by a short advertisement, which pays for the cost of running the service.

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