October 13, 2009

Offline Advertisement Method

1. Newspaper
Broad coverage of market especially suitable if you want to highly localized news of community activities, it establishes direct communication and cheapest way to reach a mass audience, and the timing is fast. However newspaper advertising has a limited life-a new edition each day.
Best for business that targeted to its local dealers.
2. Yellow Pages service businesses
(e.g. hotel/restaurant, plumber, pesticide, carpet cleaning services, local club, forum, lawn services, etc.) benefit most from this form of advertising, easily traceable, a consumer know the type of service they want.
3. Consumer magazines
It’s allow you to wage a very effective image advertising campaign. The quality of magazine printing offers a nice venue for conveying a specific group of readers and thus it help in custom framing. One big plus is that the readers tend to peruse magazines carefully, hanging on to each issue for a long time. For advertisers, magazines are a great source for cross promotion, one plus point if compared to newspaper, magazine has shelf life; people turn up again and again to read some important articles and even view the ads most often.
Better for following sites; cosmetics, fashion, sports item depending on type of magazine.
4. Cable advertising;
Developing rapidly much potential highly localized, it originates new programming, makes television more affordable than it has been in the past and also offers a wide range of programming. It’s a great choice for image building. Many local cable stations will create your ad in a reasonable cost.
5. Radio Ad;
Radio ads are mobile that follows the listener from room to room goes to the beach, long drive, its very targeted to particular demography. Radio ads is much cheaper compare to television ads, it is the medium that’s everywhere and one easy to afford, it’s highly varied from hard rock to all news, regional songs, easy listening. It’s a flexible medium; you can get an ad on the air quickly and change your ad message frequently.
6. Direct mail;
direct mail has the highest impact of any medium and comes in a variety of forms (postcards, flyers, letters, e-mail newsletters, handbill). Increasingly popular, your message reaches each recipient in a personalized way, a highly localized medium especially suited to pinpoint geographic marketing.
7. Posters/ Painted Bulletins;
the old traditional method of ad, such ad offer the advantages of simplicity, repetitiveness, retention and selective exposure with simplicity of languages making it easy to comprehend. The advertising message is printed or lithographed on sheets which are pasted on the structure developed for the purpose or on wall or shed depending on different size and colors and locality.
8. Car Ad;
Car ads through car cards generally a size of 22×21 inch interior card can be good way to run your ad on the road, it endorse the brand with the drivers, the exposure can be from 5 seconds to 15 minutes, it can achieve a high level of repetition and in-depth reading.
9. Station Posters/ Airport posters; Posters are installed at bus, railway station,
A variety of shapes and sizes are available for display purpose. Recent trend is emerging painting a portion of earth by a size of 14×40 feet or so on where plane take off through runway. Better for traveling / Hotel sites.
10.Digital signage:
Digital signage is one of the best interactive method for advertisement by which messages are displayed on digital signs and content can be exchanged on the spot, it greatly influence consumer behaviors, best method to display targeted messages to specific locations at specific times.

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