October 09, 2009

Coral Cay Conservation

Volunteering with Coral Cay Conservation
Volunteering with CCC is an experience that will leave any graduate far better placed for University or in the current job market. Living and working to achieve CCC’s conservation aims, with fellow volunteers from the time you wake up, till lights out, imparts in people a shared value, team spirit and ability to communicate, that all recruiters look upon favourably.
Graduates can be assured that after their expedition no matter how long it may be, 2 weeks or 3 months, they will return having developed on a personal level as well as gained a number of professionally desired skills. Each individuals experience is intrinsic to them but here are just some of the things volunteers had to say:
‘I became independent’
‘I gained a sense of direction and purpose’
‘I achieved what I thought was impossible through hard work’
‘It raised my self-esteem’
‘I gained a respect for myself, others and foreign cultures’
‘I started to believe in my own abilities’
‘I contribution to conservation’
‘I developed scuba diving, expedition and first aid skills’
‘And made life long friendships’ while doing all of the above!
To Get involved as a volunteer in the Philippines, Tobago or Cambodia click here

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